There’s no denying it. Texas heat found us again.

High Central Texas temperatures are great for swimming, but can be real a downer when that heat penetrates your home and proves stronger than your air conditioning. Many families rack up enormous utility bills in the summer just to combat those local temperatures.

But Texas heat doesn’t have to break the bank. There are several easy tricks for lowering your utility costs while still enjoying the pleasure of a/c.

Before you spend a fortune by cranking down the temperature, give a few of these money-saving tips a try for keeping your house cool.

1. Don’t Fall For This Common Air Conditioning Myth

There’s a myth that for years has instructed families to turn up their temperature whenever they leave the house. The advice seems very practical because the lower a family keeps the thermostat, the higher their bill usually turns out to be at the end of a summer month. It turns out, this myth has been debunked. Families more often save money when the temperature is kept consistent.

Air conditioning units work at their most efficient when they are run at a continuous temperature. Constant fluctuation causes the air conditioning to work its hardest, thereby costing you more when that utility bill arrives. The most cost-friendly way to endure a Texas summer is to pick a temperature you like, then stick to it.

2. Clean Your Air Filter

Wouldn’t it ruin part of your summer to know that your A/C unit only worked at partial capacity and that the solution for bringing it back up to speed would only have taken about 5 minutes of your time?

Well, this happens to many families every summer, except most people never know that there was anything at all wrong with their A/C. They paid more money for less functionality without even realizing it.

The solution: make a habit of frequently cleaning your air filter. When you ignore this chore, it costs you more.

3. Block Excessive Sunlight And Turn On Your Fans

The sun is pleasant when it’s time to work on your tan. But if you’re inside trying to stay cool, the sun can put a damper on your day when you start to sweat in your own house. Alleviating the heat caused by sunlight is as simple as closing your blinds. We know, we know – this one is a little obvious. But if it keeps you cool, it’s still worth mentioning.

Another obvious one we want to note: turning on fans. Again, it’s just a simple reminder. Fans are far cheaper to run than your air conditioning. Supplementing a few degrees on your thermostat by running your home’s fans can save you good money.

4. Invest Now To Save In The Long Run

Sometimes the best way to save monthly expenses is to make one or two larger purchases that save your family money over the long run. Here are two purchases that could significantly reduce your monthly utility bill:

  • Purchase new windows: If the windows on your home appear a little archaic, their ability to properly insulate your home is likely diminished. Purchasing new windows can help keep the cool air indoors, and the Texas heat outside where it belongs.
  • New air conditioning unit: If the A/C unit in your home is on its last leg, the cost it will take to keep your home cool during the summer can be astronomically high. It may be a large upfront expense, but replacing your old A/C unit with a new one could save your family money in the long term by drastically lowering your monthly utility bill.

Are you shopping for a new home to rent or purchase in Central Texas? A JB Goodwin real estate agent will be happy to lend you a hand. Central Texas is our home, contact us today if you're thinking about making it your home too.

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