Found 27 blog entries tagged as real estate advice.

In a hurry to sell your San Antonio property? Most families know that conducting a few renovations is optimal for selling a home quickly and for above market expectations. But knowing which changes to make is where many of us feel at a loss.

To save you time and money, we’ve put together a checklist of the house renovations that you should prioritize. These are the most consistent and easiest to implement tasks that can significantly drive up the allure of most properties.

Your real estate agent will be responsible for marketing your home, but you can also take a few steps to make your home one of the most desirable in the San Antonio real estate market. That means once you’ve chosen an agent you can trust, it’s time to put your money and energy…

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The JBGoodwin team perusing over the Austin real estate MLS statistics

January 2018 real estate statistics for Austin are in. It looks like Austin can expect continued real estate appreciation, despite a few dips in average home sale costs from the same month last year.

The average cost of sold homes in January dropped from $293,200 in 2017 to $289,500 this year. However, December 2017 sales were up 11% from the previous year, emphasizing the continued average growth of home values in the area.

Other highlights:

  • Inventory is up 3% from last January
  • Total units sold is up 9% from last year
  • Inventory is still down from 2010's supply highs

Want to learn more about the Austin real estate market? Get in touch with the JB Goodwin team today!

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You finally found the perfect Central Texas home.

The house checks all your boxes: it is the right style and size, has an entertaining kitchen, and even boasts an awesome master bedroom. To make things even better, your offer was accepted by the homeowner. Congratulations!

You’re one step closer to owning your first home.

The next step in your home buying journey is the home inspection. The job of a home inspector is to provide interested homebuyers an unbiased report about the utility and safety of the home they are preparing to purchase.

While a home inspection is not required, it is highly recommended. A home inspector gives you the chance to understand a property through the trained scrutiny of someone whose job it is to notice problems, risks, and…

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homes in San Antonio

According to 2016 census data, San Antonio is the 7th largest city in the United States in terms of population. San Antonio has many of the characteristics that people love about big cities: diverse cuisine, interesting businesses, culture, and fun activities to do and places to explore.

But San Antonio stands out from other major cities because of one unusual big-city quality: its affordability. The city has a low cost of living, which enables more middle-income families to enjoy the homes and lifestyles that might be way out of their budget for a comparable property in another place. is a website that compares the cost of living in cities across the United States. Its data reflects costs of transportation, healthcare, food, and other…

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Texas is a goliath state that encompasses more area than many nations. You can start driving from one side of the state, and can continue for 10+ hours to still find yourself looking at Texas cacti, cities, and farms.

Within this vast state, we boast both beaches and mountains, rolling hills and agrarian farmland. We are the home to a diverse breadth of flora and fauna, as well as headquarters to some of the most recognized corporations in the world. It is no surprise, then, that our state has caught some attention.

There are many incentives to living in Texas, and families from across the country have noticed and are responding by moving here. According to data from GenFKD, “The statistics reveal Texas is the new hottest state to live in...”…

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More people are moving to Texas than any other state in the country. According to U.S. Census data, Texas added more than 6 million people from 2000 to 2010. Overwhelmingly, net domestic migrants are moving to Texas from California, but as Jeff Salamon points out, Californians are not more likely to move to Texas than other inter-state migrants—since the population of California is so large, there are simply more Californians coming in than say, Louisianans or South Dakotans.

Growth is strong across the largest metropolitan areas in Texas, making these large areas highly attractive to migrants from all over the United States. Americans are moving to Texas.

But why are people relocating to Texas from other states?

According to a Fiscal Notes blog…

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Austin has grown into a sprawling, innovative place. It is a magnet for many young people wanting to jumpstart their careers, raise their kids in a healthy and fun place, and foster an enjoyable lifestyle in one of America’s most popular cities.

With a thriving job market, regular accolades from top media outlets across the country, and rich culture and cuisine, Austin attracts new residents every day from across the country. As some have put it, Austin is where young people go to retire.

Among the many praises Austin receives, it has been recognized as a choice city to invest in real estate. It turns out that year-round temperate weather, great academic institutions, and local incentives for business development can really attract many people…

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Prepping your home for a showing can be a bit surreal. It’s likely that your house has been a home to you and your family for years; saying goodbye can be difficult. As bigger and better things come your way, however, you will need to sell a home and move! At JB Goodwin, we created this checklist to give you a go-to resource as you setup your home for a showing or an open house.

Unfortunately, staging a home is not as simple as vacuuming, making the bed, and putting away the dishes. As we wrote in our article about how to sell quickly in San Antonio, you can’t just spruce for 10 minutes and then hope for the best.

If you want to get top dollar for your property, it will take some work to prep your home—work that will absolutely pay off in the long run.

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Have you ever wondered about the best time of year to buy a home in Central Texas?

It may come as a surprise to many homeowners in Central Texas that there are huge financial advantages to buying or selling during specific months, or seasons, in Central Texas. After all, it’s not like Texans endure harsh winters like those living further north in the United States.

It’s easier to understand why a location with regular, drastic temperature fluctuations sees real estate prices rise and fall significantly throughout a year. Given the choice of buying in the frigid cold of northern winter or during its temperate summer, most families would spend considerably less money for a home if they’re willing to endure house hunting in the cold. Depending on the…

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If you’re shopping for a new home to lease or purchase in Central Texas, you may wonder whether homeowner’s associations are worth your while.

It’s usually easy to educate yourself about what specific HOA communities provide and allow. Before taking the financial plunge, take some time to learn about what Central Texas HOA communities offer.

To some, the benefits of having a quality HOA far outweigh the fees and restrictions. Paying a simple, recurring fee can mean time saved from menial tasks, more fun activities to do around your own community and no obscure-looking houses or fences that are a blight on the surrounding community, spoiling the immaculate beauty of the rest of the neighborhood.

On the other hand, some believe HOA communities…

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