With every year comes new innovations in smart home technology. From smart appliances to automated home security, our homes are constantly evolving to accommodate high-tech lifestyles of the 21st Century. These smart home devices are designed to make your day to day living easier. Here are five of our favorites.

Amazon Echo

At first glance, Amazon Echo looks like your standard portable speaker, but it's so much more. Not only does it play music with exceptional sound quality, this multi-tasking device has a voice activated feature designed to answer questions. It also relays the news, weather forecasts, creates to do lists and alarms.

Since it's connected to the cloud, the power of the Internet is at your service. The cost for this handy device? At $99, this is the coolest device under $100 for your home. Watch the Amazon Echo video to learn more.

Honda Miimo

Mowing the lawn is a weekend chore universally dreaded by all homeowners. Wouldn't it be nice if you could delegate that task to someone else? Now you can! Honda Miimo is a roving lawn mower that cuts a predetermined amount of grass over the course of one week. Once you install the perimeter wire after purchase, you can set and forget. Spend less time battling your lawn, and more time doing the things you love. Learn more about Honda Miimo and find your local dealer here.

Boost LED Lightbulb

LED lightbulbs have been on the market for many years, but Boost LED Lightbulbs are multi-functional. Not only do they emit more light than your standard LED lightbulb, they boost your WiFi signal in your home.

You can also control Boost LED Lightbulbs remotely via your smartphone. So if you forget to turn out the light in the living room before bed, you do not have to get up! The only problem you will have is deciding on how to spend your savings!


Have you ever left the house and a hurry and couldn't remember whether or not you locked the front door? With Lockitron, you'll never have to worry again. Lock your doors with the touch of a button on your smartphone. Are the kids locked out of the house? Let them in remotely without having to drive all the way home. Lockitron comes in a variety of styles, so it will fit seamlessly into your current home. You can pre-order Lockitron online here.

Skydrop Sprinkler Controller

Homeowners spend a lot of money every year maintaining a beautiful green lawn. Most of us however, are wasting water since very few of us modify our watering schedule changing weather patterns. Skydrop Sprinkler Controller takes your existing watering system and connects it to the cloud to monitor local weather patterns. Skydrop then adjusts your watering schedule automatically. Your lawn only gets watered when it needs it. The result? A happier lawn and more money in the bank. Skydrop Sprinkler Controller can be bought online on their website.

Nest Learning Thermostat

Did you know that your thermostat accounts for nearly 50 percent of your household's total energy consumption? Nest Learning Thermostat is smart home technology that has the potential to save you hundreds every year. This nifty device learns your daily schedule, then programs itself to adjust according to your needs. All those tiny adjustments translates into savings, and makes your thermostat into an energy efficient unit. You can purchase Nest Learning Thermostat online.

Posted by Mary Ann Castro on
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The Amazon Echo looks interesting. It reminds me of the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey... "Open the pod bay doors please, HAL"

Posted by Cesar Soliz on Friday, May 22nd, 2015 at 9:15am

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