Found 3 blog entries tagged as commercial real estate.

Well, December 2017 was another wild ride according to the Austin Leasing Statistics.

Between June 2013 and June 2017, the number of apartments that are occupied has dropped four percent exactly. But this is almost definitely because of additional supply coming on to the market.

In fact, between 2016 and 2017, the market saw 600 more units become available for lease, which must have been like music to those searching for a lease as their number grew by a whopping 9%, which was more than double of 2016’s numbers. The trend for those who listed their leasehold property with JB Goodwin REALTORS continued too, with a JB Goodwin property being occupied and closed four days faster than the average property on the MLS.

See more of the Austin Leasing…

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Austin Leasing Statistics

November 2017

Despite demand more than doubling between 2016 and 2017, the base price for a lease in Austin has remained relatively flat, which is great for both renters and landlords. Since 2013 the rate of apartment occupancy has been on a steady decrease, which is a trend that continued in 2017. That being said, landlords can expect that listing their apartment for lease with JB Goodwin means that their property has the greatest opportunity to be occupied.

    • Demand has risen 8.5% in 2017
    • Price has remained steady for 2017
    • JB Goodwin listings have been on the market 5 days less than the MLS average
    • 3,000 fewer apartments between 2016 and 2017 (to date)

Are you a landlord looking to have your…

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negotiating-a-commercial-leaseNegotiating that first commercial lease agreement is one of the most important steps in starting your new commercial enterprise. When it comes time to renew a commercial lease, your negotiating power will depend on how well you negotiated their first lease.


That being said signing the perfect lease takes time, and the right attitude. Here are some key things to consider when negotiating for your perfect space.

Do: Hire a Professional (Not the Listing Agent)

While this may seem obvious, hiring a commercial real estate broker has its benefits. They know the market, and can help you find the right property for your business. Hiring a professional also gives you greater leverage during negotiations. Never have the listing agent or property…

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