Found 4 blog entries tagged as Austin leasing statistics.

JBGoodwin team crunching Austin real estate statistics

The JBGoodwin Team Does It Again...

JB Goodwin successfully gets homes leased faster than the MLS again for another month as demand remains level and the supply of properties in Austin gains nearly 500 more properties over 2017’s numbers.

Take a look at some of the key statistics below:

  • The total number of properties for lease is up a dramatic 20% over 2017.
  • The total number of leases closed however dropped three percent, which means that it could be more difficult for prospective landlords to lease their property out as quickly as the past.
  • There are 27% more single-family detached homes that are available for lease than there was in February 2017.
  • The price per square foot for apartments and other properties dropped 6 cents per…

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JB Goodwin Realtors combing through Austin rental statistics

2018 has started off with a bang for property leases in Austin with the total number of available properties rising, largely due to an almost insatiable demand from the market.

The properties that are being leased in December 2017 are larger compared to those available in December 2016, which has led the overall price per square foot to decline slightly.

That shouldn't come as a surprise, however. The number of new construction apartments that were available at the tail-end of 2017 was at a low not seen since 2013 but the number of single-family homes for rent in Austin had grown by 19%.

JB Goodwin's leasing specialists were strong again, with the average listing renting out 2 days faster than the MLS median. Take a look at the full leasing…

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Here's a look into Austin's leasing and rental market for the month of August 2017. Highlights include:

  • The median price for a single-family home is $1,750 per month or $1.15 per square foot
  • Total leases are up 7% since August 2016
  • JB Goodwin rentals spend 4 days less on the market

Austin Leasing Stats For August 2017

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Here's a look into Austin's leasing and rental market for the month of July 2017. Highlights include:

  • JB Goodwin rentals spend 4 days less on the market
  • The median price for a single-family home is $1,700 per month or $1.15 per square foot
  • Total leases are up 8% since July 2016

Austin Leasing Stats For July 2017

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