San Antonio has a lot going for it. Americans from across the country can recall iconic scenes from our city’s hero-filled history. Major corporations and tech companies move here for the city’s generous business incentives. And the family-centeredness of San Antonio rightly captures the attention of many people looking for a comfortable place to call their own.
At JB Goodwin, we give San Antonio a lot of praise because we genuinely believe it is an awesome place for anyone to call home. In fact, many of us do! So when we see others pointing out some of the features that make San Antonio so great, we like to share their findings with our cherished readers.
Recent data from Zillow found that families looking to buy their first home ought to conduct their house shopping right here in the Alamo side of the Texas Hill Country.
Zillow concluded that San Antonio is the fifth best city in the U.S. for first-time homebuyers. Here are a few of the factors that they considered and why that data is important to young families in the real estate market:
High Inventory Gives You The Power Of Choice
When a real estate market offers high inventory, that means that it 1) becomes more competitive, and 2) gives future homeowners more options when it comes to one of life’s most important decisions.
High inventory markets are the most likely place for first-time homebuyers to locate exceptional homes for reasonable costs. In a way, high inventory cities give families new to the home buying market a generous leg-up.
If you’re in the market for a home, maybe you should begin by browsing San Antonio’s huge inventory of over 7,400 houses!
An Investment To Call Home
From an economics standpoint, buying a house is never just buying a house. Homes are also an investment with the possibility of very strong returns.
Appreciation is more than just the word JB Goodwin uses to describe how we feel about the San Antonio home market. It also means that year after year the value of homes in San Antonio are expected to grow at a rate of 3.0 percent. Trust us realtors on this one: That’s a friendly long term investment that many San Antonio first-time homebuyers will enjoy.
First time homebuyers in San Antonio have much to look forward to. If San Antonio sounds like a place you’d like to call home, then a JB Goodwin agent will help you find the house that fits your lifestyle and your budget. Don’t be intimidated by this new life step, we’ll help you every step of the way.
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