san antonio real estateStay connected with the latest San Antonio real estate news. See what's happening in San Antonio and stay ahead of the game in this increasingly competitive market. Courtesy of JBGoodwin REALTORS®.  

May has started out as a busy month in San Antonio, TX and the housing market is brimming with new listings and ambitious developments. The San Antonio real estate market is showing great growth, with more homes being sold and for better prices. And on that note, here are a couple of real estate stories that have made the news this week.

Million Dollar Real Estate Market in San Antonio

The San Antonio real estate market is growing strong, and it isn't just affordable and mid-range homes that are selling - luxury homes priced at $1 million or higher are…

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jbgoodwin-realtors-newsJBGoodwin REALTORS® successfully defended the rights of real estate professionals in Texas against a suit brought on by patent troll Property Disclosure Technologies (or PDT). For those unfamiliar with patent trolls or patent holding companies, they are firms who purchase patents with the sole purpose of looking for, and suing companies in violation of those patents for financial gain. They do not produce intellectual property, nor do they conduct any original research or manufacturing. Most of their suits never make it to court, as the threat of hefty legal fees cause most defendants to settle out of court.

JBGoodwin REALTORS® VS Property Disclosure Technologies

JBGoodwin REALTORS® was sued, along with 12 other real estate industry leaders on…

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american-statesman-top-workplacesJB Goodwin REALTORS® was recently awarded the top spot among midsize employers in Austin according to the American-Statesman’s 2014 Top Workplaces of Greater Austin project. The annual report which surveys over 22,000 employees at 159 Austin companies was released last week, and announced the top 100 local businesses.

As it turns out, Austinites are looking for more than just a job that pays well. Factors which ranked high on employees' lists included a balance between work and family life, being valued at work, good company leadership, and professional development.

So what makes JB Goodwin REALTORS® one of the top Austin employers? According to survey, the company's approach to leadership, technology support, and down-to-earth professional…

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JB Goodwin REALTORS® and associates are making waves throughout the great state of Texas. Even the CEO himself is making headlines. Read all about it in our JBGoodwin REALTORS® in the News recap.

TX Gov. Rick Perry Appoints J.B. Goodwin to TDHCA Post

jb-goodwinJ.B. Goodwin, founder and CEO of JB Goodwin REALTORS® is bringing his years of real estate expertise to the state level. Texas Governor Rick Perry has appointed J.B. along with T. Tolbert Chisum to the board of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). The prestigious post means that J.B. will be directly addressing Texas housing and community development issues in the state.

J.B. has been involved in numerous high-profile real estate organizations throughout his career. An…

4629 Views, 0 Comments is now better than ever! Our new responsive website has a fresh new design, and is loaded with helpful features to simplify your browsing experience. On top of the same expert information on our old site, our latest version has improved search tools, more community information, and smartphone friendly viewing.

Navigate the #1 source for Austin & San Antonio real estate today. Learn about our newest features in more detail below, or have a look around for yourself. We'd love to hear what you think!

Responsive Design For Easy Mobile Browsing

Browsing Austin and San Antonio real estate has never been easier. There's no longer a need need to zoom or squint, or download external software to view our listings. With our new responsive…

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It all starts at the top.

Managers make or break workplaces, says Alex Charfen, CEO of the Austin-based Charfen Institute. Talented leaders motivate, are approachable, offer opportunities for advancement and provide routine feedback. Not–so–skilled bosses often micromanage, rule by fear and spend most of the day locked in their offices, unavailable.

"Morale craters because people don't know what's going on, how to make things better, or what their role is," said Charfen, whose company provides business leadership coaching around the globe. "Human beings, by their nature, want to perform. They want to succeed. They want to be recognized."

Executives at many of the businesses highlighted in the American–Statesman's 2011 Top Workplaces of Greater…

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Companies on Top Workplaces list took different roads to the same destination: Happy workers

By Barry Harrell

Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011

Some are huge corporations with billions of dollars in assets. Others are small startups. There are software makers and restaurants, insurance companies and cleaning services.

The 85 Central Texas employers highlighted in the American-Statesman's 2011 Top Workplaces of Greater Austin special section don't have a lot in common – except that their employees say they are great places to work.

The Top Workplaces of Greater Austin project involved surveys of 15,731 workers from 143 Austin–area employers.

The surveys were conducted by our partner in this project, WorkplaceDynamics LLP,…

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coats-for-kidsThe Austin Board of REALTORS® was presented an award recognizing its contribution to the 2000 Coats for Kids effort. Supplying 224 coats, ABoR was among the top three organizations to bring coats to the needy in the Austin community this winter season.

"The role the Austin Board of REALTORS®  played in our effort is greatly appreciated," said leigh Simmons, 2000 Coats for Kids Chair.

Chaired by Leonard Guerrero, of JBGoodwin REALTORS® the ABoR community service committee included Coats for Kids in their community efforts as a means to bring warmth to children during the winter months.

More than 23,000 coats were collected by the Coats for Kids program, making the 2000 effort the most successful effort in the 14 years the program has been in place.…

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