real estate resolutionsThe start of a new year is the perfect time to start fresh and make plans for the months above. Whether you're looking to sell, or simply want to maintain your home to its best potential, you'll want to check out our 6 real estate resolutions for 2016!

6. Skip Money Sucking Renovations

Here's an easy resolution to start off with, because it requires no effort: don't renovate your home (with bad investments.) The truth is that most renovations will never recover their full value, which means you're actually losing money on them. Unless it's for your own personal happiness, skip these classic money sinks: swimming pools, stainless steel appliances, brand new carpets, elaborate landscaping and luxury fixtures or upgrades. Buyers certainly may appreciate these renovations, but they aren't going to pay you anything extra for them when you sell.

5. Re-Crunch Those Financial Numbers

Whether you're hoping to buy, sell, or simply maintain, during the 2016 year, this is the perfect time to bust out your calculator and crunch some numbers. Develop a realistic budget, find out exactly what your financial situation is, and make any adjustments needed. Oh, and check out your mortgage documents to see if you can wiggle anything to get out of debt faster—consider increased, additional or more frequent payments.

4. Go Eco-Friendly With LED Lightbulbs

Putting in new LED lightbulbs may seem like a hassle, especially if you've recently switched to energy-efficient CFLs, but LED lightbulbs are an investment that makes sense. With 80 to 90 percent more efficiency than traditional lighting, LEDs last 6 times longer than CFL bulbs and over 40 times longer than incandescent light bulbs.

Upgrade the smart way by buying only a few LED lightbulbs at a time, then replace your incandents and CFLs as they burn out.

kudzu invasive plant resolution3. Maintain Your Garden & Trees

Been awhile since you've given your trees some TLC? Neglected landscaping can drag down the appearance of your house. More importantly, it can also start to damage your property. Some plants, particularly invasive species, can creep into the cracks of your home and break apart foundations and other critical structures. Keeping your foliage under control keeps your home in tip top shape.

2. Tackle 3 Projects You've Put Off

Every home owner has that list, whether it's physical or mental, of future projects that indefinitely stay on the back-burner. Pick three of those projects right now, and do them. No excuses, no more procrastinating. Just get them done!

1. Enjoy Your Home

Take some time to reflect on why you love your home. Simply put five minutes aside each day to just exist in your house and think about how great it is. Whether it's a great location, cozy reading nook, beautiful floors or so forth, appreciate your home the way you did when you first moved in. This small attitude of gratitude will put a more positive shine on your daily life, and will make the rest of those real estate resolutions just a little bit easier to conquer.

We hope you enjoyed these real estate resolutions for 2016! May you have a fulfilling year full of great moments and lasting memories. Happy New Year!

Posted by Mary Ann Castro on
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